Bottle of Stories (28)

King: "Here's your reward."

Rey: "So this what it looks like. It's so thick! Wow."

He looks at the gold coins.

Annie: "How about the cap? We need it!"

Rey: "Let's find him."

They start searching for the guy who owned the cap.

King: "Julie and Jayson. You 'll be advanced to the Warrior City where you can enhance your skill and--"

Jayson: "I won't accept it. I would rather stay here than  accept your offer."

King: "Hmm..."

Jayson: "You pay those guys to kidnap the princess that's why you don't feel worried when your daughter is being kidnaped!"

Julie: "Is that true?"

King: "You should be thankful that I'm giving you this big opportunity."

Jayson: "No thanks. Liar."

And Jayson walks out.

Julie: ("I can't believe him. Where did he get his courage to disrespect our king.")

Meanwhile, Rey and Annie can't find the announcer who has the cap so they decided to return where they came from but they saw Jayson.

Rey: "Hey! Jayson, do you know where we can find the guy who announces the message from the king?"


Announcer: "My lucky charm, I will miss you..."

Rey: "Hehehe... Jayson, we have to go. I guess... Do you want gold coins?"

Jayson: "I don't want it."

Rey: "O-ok. Bye! Thank you for helping us."

Annie: "Bye."

They said while waving their hands. Walking away.


They go back to the place where the barrels are.

Rey: "Hope this works."

Rey put a cap on the bottle.

They end up in the faculty room.

Rey/Annie: "Wooh!" (Hi-fives each other.)

Rey: "I just need to put this bottle back and pshhh nothing happened. "

He tried to remove the bottle but the necklace is too small to remove it.

Rey: "Annie, do you have scissors?"

Annie: "No. Wait someone is coming."

The two start panicking.

Rey: "Help! Maybe some of the tables have scissors lying on it."

Annie starts looking around but before she can find the scissors, someone enters the faculty room. It's their teacher.

Teacher: "What are you doing here? (*sees the bottle hanging on Rey's necklace) Don't tell me--"

Rey: "N-no I-I just, uh..."

Teacher: "Did you open it."

Rey/Annie: "NO."

Teacher: "Then why are you wearing it."

Rey: "Uhmm... I really look handsome wearing this thing."

Teacher: "Really?" ("He's not good at lying")

Rey: "Yes, ma'am"

Annie: "You look so good!"

Teacher: "Hmmm... I guess you really like that bottle huh? Hmm... That's yours now."

Rey: "Thanks, ma'am."

Teacher: "Welcome... I'm going home now. Be careful going home."

Annie: "Same to you ma'am."

And their teacher goes away.

The two sigh.

Rey: "Phew!"

Annie: "I thought we are going to get scolded. Haay..."

They hear a murmuring voice,

"Where... I..."

Rey: "Jayson!"

Annie: "How did you get here?"


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