The official email address for Cyanel's Concept
which uses the old name for this Blogspot.


These are the other social media sites
where you can also contact me.

A place where I'm most active.
Just message the page Cyanel's Concept
and I'll try my best to reply back.

You can private message me there.
My account name is @cyanelcasiano.
I'm not very active but you can still
message me there if it is your
 preferred site to talk to.

Exclusive account for Cyanel's Concept
where I mostly post drawing time-lapse of
my original characters. You can comment
on my videos or just say hello there.


These are the sites where you can
support the others stuff I do.

I usually post speedpaints and
Utau covers there but it is possible that
I will also upload different kinds of video
 on my channel dCornYdude.

This is where I post my drawings
whether it's traditional or digital.

I post random tweets and
also talk about my digital drawings there.
However, I'm not really active there.

This is where you can see some
of my digital artworks in high quality.


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