Bottle of Stories (67)

Jayson returned to the main house. He looked for the Guardian of Dreams in every corner of the room but he did not find him. He sat on the living room chair and reach for the book lying on another chair beside him.

The book has a blue cover with a design of different sized flowers. It is noticeable that the pages are uneven because some are thick, thin, and riped. Maybe he could use this to pass his time.

He started scanning every page, skipping the wall of hand-written pages, and paying attention to pictures or objects that are pasted on the pages. He continued turning the pages until he saw the largely written word "Magic" with a bunch of thread around it.

The Magic Thread

We were playing hide-and-seek when Rayos fell off the tree while trying to hide there.

Everyone is worried because his stomach did not stop bleeding. Linn tried to cover it by wrapping the affected area using the fabric from her skirt.

Delo already left to call for help because we cannot carry him. Every time we tried, he started screaming in pain. Luckily, I brought the thread I made yesterday. I was unsure if I will do it but I will never know the result if I did not try. I sewed his open wound and immediately healed. Rayos felt no more pain and everyone is amazed by how I did it.

I think everyone can do it too as long as they have this thread I made and know how the human body works. If one is knowledgeable about anatomy and crafting magic thread, maybe they can cure illnesses, diseases, injuries, and the most amazing discovery is to resurrect the dead.

He read every word one by one, reread every sentence, and decode the meaning of the passage. When he reached the conclusion, he realized what Lealyn is trying to do with his parents who passed away.

"We have to go! Jayson, come with me," said the guardian who just arrived.
Jayson was brought near the small hut where Lealyn and Kid are in the middle of a conversation. He was instructed by the Guardian of Dreams to listen carefully.

"Lealyn, I have a favor to ask. Would you avoid scolding every person who visits your parents? Insulting your family was never their intention," explained Kid with a caring tone.

"Stop nagging me. Leave me alone. I'm working on something," she said in a serious manner. 

"People are worried because you are not what you used to be."

"Is it my fault that my parents are not here? Everyone is forcing me to accept that they are dead and move on without doing anything."

"Please be easy on yourself."

I do not care what happens to me. I will do anything to bring back, even if it cost my life." She started crying and murmur what everyone did to her. 

"I heard you. As a stray guardian, I want to help you with the use of my abilities. However, we should make a contract: I will help your parents using my ability and yours you of resurrect but in exchange, you will stop being harsh with your fellow humans."

"What is this? Are you trying to play with me when I'm having time? I hate you, Kid! I do not want to talk to you again!" 

Jayson tried to peep to see what is going on.

The kid was reaching for Lealyn.

"Do not touch me!"

Kid jumped toward him and hugged her. They both vanished instantly.

"That is the job of a guardian; we are obliged to lend a helping hand. From what I know, the guardian of space did not know that he is already doing it. He was considered as the one who did his duty right despite being the weakest of all," explained the guardian of dreams.

"He should not help her. If she is trying to revive her parents using the thread, no matter the world we are in, there will be always karma for using dark magic," stated Jayson.

"Kid is a kid. No matter how long he is wandering into different worlds, his childish way of thinking will stay with him. You did not know how many times he is resetting just to get everything right. This is his first time here so he did not know what lies ahead."

"He probably has a lot of experience where he can learn from. How come he could not be mature already?"

"Guardians only rely on spiritual memories. If you know what cloud is, you will understand. Knowing that he traveled into different worlds, he can only retain the memories made in the world he is in and those near it."

"I do not know what cloud is but I kind of understand what you meant." 

"He also seems to admire her, He knows everything about her and it's quite concerning."

"Anyway, we should go inside. Once we get outside, again we will see this place after leaving for a month."

~~~*List of Chapters*~~~


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