Memorable Assignments in Second Quarter 2022

Yes, I'm back. Before I explain myself and why I'm not giving updates in sketchbooks, FB, and stuff, I want to show first my favorite assignment this second quarter. Thank God, I manage to survive it.

Screenplay Version of A Letter To You. I realize that this is better than my narrative one because I really find my narration very cringy. In a screenplay, I have no use for those narrations. Just dialogue, actions, and only needed descriptions of the scene. I will post it next week because I'm trying to find a way to fix the formatting so people from different devices can enjoy reading it.

Infomercial. This one is very hard to make because our style is animation (Group Activity). I'm just really glad I have someone to color my linearts so my workload will not be too much. I'm really passionate about this project because I want to try various things in editing and I am very contented with our final output.

That's all. I did not update the sketchbook because I got very sick. I think I foreshadowed it on my last drawing before I draw again. The time that I got sick is also the time my hard drive get corrupted. All of my hard work is gone. My files, assignments, drawings, are all gone. That is why I'm very stressed. I learned my lesson and I always save my files online not because I can't be too complacent if I'm using an old drive and cheap inclusion. Do not worry, I already accepted it. I guess being able to move on easily throughout my years of living helps.

I do feel sad at that time because I already do not have my own PC. But not now, because as I am writing this, I am using my own laptop given to me by my godmother. I received this before my birthday and I was really ecstatic because now I can do my assignments without borrowing my brothers again. I can't draw on it though so that is a worry. I think it is for my own good too so I can focus on my writing and my online class. I will do my best to make the best out of this device and I will always be grateful to people who gave me things during hard times.

UPDATE: I managed to fix the issues in drawing application so I'll be able to draw on this device now :)


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