Bottle of Stories (11)

Jayson: “Hey! Who’s that?”

Pointing the girl behind, following them.

Annie: “Who knows?”

Rey: “What is your name? Jayson is asking.”

Jayson: “I don’t say that you ask her!”

Rey: “Even you try to deny it; I know you want to know her name.”

Jayson: “Grrrr.”

Julie: “My name is Julie.”

Jayson: “Why are you following us?”

Rey: “Whoa! Straight question!”

Julie: “I was sent by the king to help you.”

Jayson: “You don’t need to help us.”

Julie: “Even if you don’t want me to join, I will still help you because it is my job.”

Jayson: “Hmph! Do what you want.”

Annie starts to whisper to Rey.

Annie: “same attitude.”

Rey: “Perfect partner.”


Many hours later,

Julie: “We are near but we need to stay here until tomorrow.”

Annie: “They would not attack us, right?”

Julie: (Smiles) “We are in a healer village. People here act like saints but I can’t promise that we are safe here.”

She said having no trace that she is afraid. When Jayson and Julie are gone,

Rey: “I think Julie is different from Jayson.”

Annie: “How can you say?”

Rey: “She is smiling! Hehe.”

Annie: “She is scared but she tries to hide it by smiling.”

Rey: “I don’t think so.”

Annie: “I felt the same way before that’s why I can tell it.”

Rey: “Hey, hey, past is past. You don’t need to get depressed about the things that happened long ago.”

Annie: “I know. But...”

Rey: “Don’t worry. I’m here for you. And if someone is going to attack you at this place, just scream “Aaaaaah” (He said in a high pitch) and I will come.”

Annie: “Hahahaha”


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