Bottle of Stories (12)


Everyone is sleeping. Jayson is still awake facing himself in the mirror. He put his hair bond then someone knocks on the door. The maid, Chloe, the one who knocks on the door enters the room.

Chloe: “Good evening, huh?”

Chloe sees a gloomy face from Jayson.

Chloe: “You look like a girl without your hair bond.”

Jayson: “What?”

Chloe is planning to make Jayson laugh but instead, it becomes gloomier.

Chloe: “Are you okay? If not tell me what happens.”

Jayson: “It is about my twin. I remember her every time I look to the mirror.”

Chloe: “What happened to your twin?”

Chloe and Jayson are childhood friends that is why he is not worried, to tell the truth.

When I was a kid, I’m 5 years old. My family and I lived happily. But, something happened.

My mother and father are both warriors, working for the king, and always go to war to protect our village. While my twin, Jade, she is good at fighting than me. I always idolized her for being a perfect person.

One day, our parents are going to leave for war.

“Stay here, don’t go outside okay.” Our mother said.

Jayson and Jade: “Okay!”

They said with cute little faces. A few minutes later,

Jayson: “Jade, let’s follow mom and dad. I want to see how they fight those bad guys!”

Jade: “They said that we should stay here.”

Jayson: “Aww.”

Jade: “Don’t worry, I’m here I will teach you some tricks in using two swords.”

Jayson: (Pouts)

When my sister falls asleep, I go outside and go to the place where the war is happening. While I tried to peep, I saw something that changed my whole life, personality, and everything...


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