UTAU: Zhein's Profile


Age: 13
Height: 5'0 / 153 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Birthday: February 01, 2003
Release date: July 12, 2016
Country: Philippines
Likes: Any clothes with collar, technology, blue
Dislikes: Cold places or foods

-Redistributing is not allowed.
-Making derivative characters/voices using Zhein is not allowed.
-Claiming the voicebank as yours is not allowed

Zhein CV
-CV Voicebank
-romaji encoded
-hiragana aliased
-recorded in Audacity (and an overheating laptop)
-freq avg: 269.4 Hz (C#4)
-logical range: E3~B4

-ra1, re1, ri1, ro1, ru1 are uhhh..... I tried to sing/speak/say it in English. (Zhein CV)
-Don't use ri1

(Released date: July 12, 2016) (Update: September 7, 2017)

Zhein 2017
-CV Voicebank
-Romaji encoded
-Hiragana aliased
-Recorded in audacity
-freq avg: 216.0 Hz (A3)
-logical range: C#3~A#4

-Adding 1 for different results (Other recordings don't have this so try checking the vb settings first)
-If you see "hh ba ba be bi bo bu hh", just let it be there. It is unfinished and I have no plan to continue it because it's hard.
-Capable of singing Filipino songs
-r'a, r'e, r'i, r'o, r'u for English
 ra, re, ri, ro, ru (ra F, re F, ri F, ro F, ru F,) for Filipino/Japanese
 rra, rre, rri, rro, rru for Filipino/Japanese
-la, le, li, lo, lu is aliased to ら れ り ろ る but rya, rye, ryo, ryu is used instead for りゃ  りょ  りゅ
-This VB has some VC and CCV

(Released date: July 8, 2017) (Update: September 7, 2017)

Zhein VCV
-VCV Voicebank
-Romaji encoded 
-Hiragana and romaji aliased
-Recorded in Oremo
-Reclist used: 2-mora
-freq avg: 242.7 Hz (B3)
-logical range: D#3~F5

-It can be both used to vcv and cv (hiragana and romaji aliased)
-Extra recordings added = VCV aeioun: (- ng, - ng(v), - r(v), - m)
-To activate the R's 'should use double rr or add F (example: rra, a rra, raF, a raF)
-The recordings in the folder "extra" are the late recordings (what?)

-Started on August 14

(Released date: September 7, 2017) (Update: September 20, 2017)

If there are problems in the voicebank; notes not playing when using fresamp for example, feel free to tell me and I'll try to fix it. (Especially the Zhein VCV)

The solution to this is re oto'ing the voice sample. (cuz I face these problems too...)


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