Bottle of Stories (86)

Leivo and Rey strolled inside the museum. Leivo found a perfect area for them, a chess table and two chairs facing each other beside a large window. They both sat down and Rey proceeded to ask something after a long walk.
"When are we going to remove the curse and what should I do?"

"I'm still resting. Maybe a bit later," said Leivo. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten for hours."

"I will bring someone to deliver food. Want some duel while waiting?"

Rey has played chess with Annie before so he accepted Leivo's offer. After a few minutes, their game ended in a checkmate where Rey won.

A cursed person tapped Rey's shoulder and gave him a bowl of vegetable soup. Rey put the bowl on his lap and tasted the soup.

"Put it on the table." Leivo also receives his food and he put it on the chess table.

Rey did the same even though he does not want to use a table specifically made for chess.

"Can I ask you something? If you will be granted one wish, what would you wish for?"

Rey gulped his food first before speaking. "An unlimited wishes," he giggled. "Just kidding, I wish for my mother to come back home. She's been gone since I was 7."

"How old are you now?"


"Same. I also wish for my parents to come back."

"They said that you killed them and stole a book."

"I just made that up so they will recognize me as a threat."

"So you're 12 too not 100 years old?"

"Yeah, and that book does not exist."

"Ohh." Rey put a spoonful of food in his mouth. While crushing the vegetable with his teeth, he is collecting his thoughts about what Leivo just said. "Why are you doing this? You seem so nice for helping me remove the bottle's curse and giving me food."

"Because we are friends now. You are my only friend as of now."

"You are controlling people out of their own will. Many people are scared because they might become your slave."

"Do you want to save them?"

"If I am powerful to beat you I will do it. But I'm not. I know my limits."

"As expected. You are selfish Rey, you came with your own desire to free someone inside that bottle rather than defeating me and saving everyone else."

Rey felt guilty from what Leivo said. He still wanted to save others but in order to do that, they need the guardian's help because they do not know what Leivo is capable of doing. Jayson already told him what the guardian of space's ability and it could really give them an upper hand if it will be utilized properly.

"I do not care for these people. My parents died but people on this island were happy. I already removed everyone's memory of my parents because it was painful to see them celebrating my parent's death, except the Skar family. I hate them. Why are bad people who exploit other's money get to live? While those good people who fight for what is right die?"

Rey was focused on his eating while being attentive to every tiny detail Leivo says. It will look really bad if Leivo notices he is not listening.

"I want the Skars to remember what they did to my parents. They are the reason why I'm alone. They just watched me mourn. That guy named Colt Skar, he is so useless."

He is talking about the guy who is always with OP before they split into groups, Rey thought.

"I told him to tell everyone that his parents killed my parents because everyone will believe him if he says so. Why is he carrying the burden all unto himself when he can just put all the blame on his evil family? He will benefit the most because he hates them too and I will not have to do all of this!"

Rey now understood what Cu told them about Skar meeting Leivo.

"I have done this before, Rey. Once I gather enough energy, I will let them go and everything on this island will be normal again."

"So that is how you made them forget what happened to your parents and you replaced it by that made-up legend?" asked Rey

Leivo nodded.

In short, Leivo gathered people so he can combine their aura in one area and use that to do his very powerful curse. It can change a place's history just like what happened here. Rey will surely tell this valuable information once he was able to go back to his real friends.


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