Bottle of Stories (4)

Rey and Annie follow Jayson outside. When they see the king is coming, Jayson unexpectedly strikes their head on the floor. Jayson holds their heads until the king already passed by so they don’t get jailed when the king and the knights notice that they are inside not praising their leader. Jayson hardens his fists.

Rey: “Grrr! Hey! What kind of prank was that?”

Jayson: “Prank? What prank?”

Rey: “Hahahaha! You don’t know what a prank is! It will be bad if I say the meaning of it.”

Jayson: “(Maybe prank means saving others because all I do is save them from getting caught.)”

He said to himself curiously.

Jayson let Rey and Annie stay in his house. 5:00 in the morning, Jayson hears a sound coming from Annie’s bag. He walks closer, grabs his sword, and hits it.

Rey: “What the...”

Annie: “I’m still sleepy. ”

She looks to Jayson.

Annie: “Waah! My bag! What have you done to my bag?”

Jayson: “There's strange light coming from your bag.”

Annie: “Light?”

Jayson: “And it says “Kring! Kring!”.”

Annie: “The alarm?”

Jayson: “Alarm? What alarm?”

Annie gets her phone. It is completely broken.

Annie:  (Sobs) (Sobs)

Jayson: “H-hey don’t cry.”

Rey: “It is your fault too. You didn’t turn off the alarm.”

Annie: “Waah!”

Annie continued to cry.

Annie: “I hate you!” ( Runs)

Jayson: “I feel guilty.”

Rey taps Jayson’s back.

Rey: “Don’t worry her cell phone is fake. (Giggles)”


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