Bottle of Stories (5)

Rey: “Hey, stop crying now.”

He looks outside.

Rey: “Jayson! Annie is gone! We should find her.”

Jayson: “Okay. (Sigh)”

Rey runs leaving Jayson behind.

Jayson: “He is really worried.”

He said to himself. Meanwhile, Rey is still running looking for Annie. He continues to run and finally, he found Annie.

Rey: “Why did you go outside without telling us?”

Annie: “Because I’m scared. My mother will surely scold me if she knows that my cell phone is broken.”

Rey: “What if you get lost? Ask yourself, to your mom, what is more important, your cell phone, or you? We will return to the real world together so don’t leave!”

Annie: “(Blushes) Sorry.”

Jayson: “What do you mean by the real world?”

Rey: “Oh I mean, uhh… real house! I mean real house!”

Jayson: “You are really an idiot.”

Rey: “What did you just say!!!?”

Annie: “Hey Rey, someone gave me this.”

She said boastfully.

Rey: “Wow, may I borrow. (Stole)”

Jayson: “Who gave that?”

Annie: “A guy with glasses, bonnet, and brown hair.”

A few minutes ago...

Jayson: “Ah, that guy really likes you but he is very shy.”

Rey: “Is he a stalker?”

Jayson: “Yes.”

Annie: “You know him?”

Jayson: “(nod)”

Rey: “Let’s open this!”

They open the box. They see a crossbow.

Rey and Annie: “Cool!”

Annie: “How did he know that I like this kind of thing?”

Jayson: “You like it!”

Annie: “Yes”

Jayson: “You are different.”


Annie: “Sweet dreams.”

Then suddenly, they hear a loud sound.

 Rey: “What is that? So noisy!”

Jayson goes outside. Rey and Annie follows him.

Jayson: “Intruder!”


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