Bottle of Stories (57)

He sat on the floor and crossed his legs. "What did you talk about while I'm asleep?" 

"Secret." Annie swept the floor removing the dust in her room.

"There is a human inside the bottle. We must set him free." He was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. His green eyes won't stop moving on its own.

'He doesn't look too well. Maybe he is still dizzy,' Rey thought.

"A witch did this to him." She put aside the broom beside the door. Annie sat beside Rey and hugged her legs.

"Witch? Like the people in your world, Jayson?"

"Executing a curse is dangerous. The one who curses will turn into a stone while the cursed one will become a stone. That's why no one bothers to perform that black magic."

"But he didn't turn into a stone. He's locked inside the bottle," said Annie.

"So a different witch made the curse." Rey holds his chin."Ah! In every world, we need to find one who can free him from the bottle."

Annie and Jayson exchanged gazes.

"Why you look dissatisfied? Are there any reasons why we need to open the bottle?"

They shook their heads proving that his speculation is right.

He went home after their conversation. And that's where he received his father's lectures because he forgot to cook rice. It is why he has to wear long sleeves clothing. To hide the results of his wrongdoing Yesterday.

'If Mom was here, would Dad won't become like this?' he asked while looking at the man sleeping beside him.

They arrived at their destination. Loud music welcomed them coming from the house made of stone. There was a long rectangular table outside. It caters to a variety of foods like Lechon, Spaghetti, Lumpiang Shanghai, and many more.

His father part ways with him to hugged his uncles. He narrowed his eyes to the visitors. He is scanning for kids like him to talk and play with.

"Rey!" a feminine voice shouted on the back.

"Sis!" He put his palms on his cheeks preventing her hands from pinching it.

She wore a long green skirt and paired it with a white blouse. "How's life?"

"All is well." He painted a wide smile on his face showing his shiny teeth.

She grabbed his shoulder. Rey screeched in pain. "Are you sure? Looks like uncle did it again huh."

"It was my fault."

"That's what you always say!" She chuckled. "By the way, if you're looking for our younger cousins, they are not here yet. They left and went to the grass field."

"It's okay, I bought something to keep me preoccupied while waiting for their return."

"I have an idea! I will show you a good place where you can do that."

~~~*List of Chapters*~~~


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