Bottle of Stories (70)

Jayson hurriedly went to the main house of Lealyn, leaving the Guardian of dreams behind. Kid is sleeping on the floor while Lealyn iS leaning on the table. The children are exhausted. They did not even notice the loud steps Jayson made.

"Kid," Jayson whispered. He gently tapped the kid's back.

"Mr. Traveller, Vat please let me rest first," Kid murmured. We have not slept properly for days. It is our break today."

Jayson carried Kid and went outside where sunlight can reach them.

"Mr. Traveller put me down." Kid stood up while Jayson assisted him. "It seems that we are going to talk about something important. What is it, mister?

"Remember the man who asked for a contract? He and the guardian of Souls agreed to destroy Lealyn's reputation. Something going to happen to her if we do not do something."

"No, I thought is he was going to ask something else. The guardians of souls are too strong in influencing others. I have to stop them."

"I will join you."

Kid this hand to Jayson and they got transported to a clinic.

"Ms. Soul, is it true? You will help Mr. Doctor to harm Lealyn?"

"We will just change the public opinion about her. A girl who cure others without exchange, happens to be a witch who cursed her patients to be her slaves. She manipulates them into stealing and performing illegal activities for her ingredients, materials, and informations. What could she plotting for?"

"Stop it I do not want to hear any of your lies! Lealyn is a kind person. Why do you have to agree with him if he only wants to earn money and become rich?"

"Because he has more reasons to do so! She yelled, breaking for her own composure

Kid took a step backward and slightly raised his right arm. His hand bumped into Jayson's hand and he held unto it.

The Guardian of Souls approached them. "His family, his debts, his past, and the biggest one, himself.

As she gets closer, Jayson felt the trembling of Kid's hand. The two of them suddenly get transported on the Lady's back, away from here.

"He was mocked as a child for not having an attending parent. They are sick and eventually died. He lived his life working, studying, borrowing money until he graduated. He had a lot of debts but he is paying them until now. He met his wife and promised her good life. They never wanted to leave this place. This is their hometown. He vowed to serve here because no one wanted to. People need him here. But not anymore." She did not look at them but her voice revealed that she is genuinely sad. "He has a baby, he badly needs money.

"Then he could have wished for it instead of targeting Lealyn," Jayson concluded.

She turned and tilted her head. "Think of what will happen if he gets rich instantly. This world complicated. Or should I say, humans, are complicated? Right, Kid?" She approached them again. "Can't talk now because of his story? Wanna know more about what actually happened?"

"You do not know everything when you first met him."

She stopped at an acceptable distance. "You may see people's intentions better than other kids, but I can see their souls. He has more depth than your friend."

"You are a liar! I know Lealyn better than you because we have been together for years!" He let go of Jayson to walk towards the Guardian of Souls.

She is not bothered by Kid's anger so she went to the door, the exit of the clinic. When she was going to turn the knob, the kid touched her back and hurriedly grabbed her arm.

"I know that enter you are going to destroy his life after bringing his hopes up. I expected that you will change. You are human like him! Spare him or I will..." His throat was tightened by her hands.

She removed her carefree smug in her face as she is threatened by Kid's demeanor.

Jayson comes to the rescue but Kid signaled him to stay away. At the wave of its arm, he was sent back to Lealyn's main house.

Lealyn is still in the position where she has been sleeping earlier.

A familiar voice set in making Jayson turn to Guardian of Dreams on his back. "You cannot change the outcome by warning him. This is a dream that has an end but you are making it longer," He said with a straight face.

Kid appeared on the door. "Lealyn!" At his call, she woke up.

Her parents came from the kitchen and throw a ceramic teacup at Lealyn. Jayson slapped the cup forward before it hit her so she can stand up and run with Kid.

~~~*List of Chapters*~~~


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