Bottle of Stories (73)

Time has passed but he still cannot find a place where they can stay. His arms are sore. Kid is cold probably because of the night dew. Later on, Kid became colder and his breathing is undetected. 'He is dead,' he thought. However, he cannot convince himself that he is truly gone because his aura is the same.

If he is dead, then his aura should slowly decrease into nothingness. That is what Jayson knew, considering he already seen deaths more than once because of his world's never-ending conflict.

"Jayson? You can put me down now," Kid calmly said.

Jayson sighed out of relief and followed Kid's request. That is the first time Kid called him by his name. He then thought that he probably forgot how he usually calls him.

When he stopped walking to put down Kid, the Guardian of Dreams and Lealyn paused too.

"Lealyn? Where are you?" Kid asked but it was silent. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she finally responded with a gloomy tone.

Kid easily identified where Lealyn was just by hearing her voice. He hugged her while breaking into tears. "I'm glad you are here. I thought you left me alone already."

"I'm sorry. I broke our promise."

"I'm sorry too." He let go of Lealyn. "I'm not powerful as Guardian of Souls."

"No, I did not trust you and your capabilities as much as you value mine. You always seem proud of what I can do but I never did the same."

"You do not have to. I'm weak and there is nothing amazing about me. I'm sorry I cannot bring your parents back."

"Maybe I deserved it." She moved forward to lead the way. "We should not waste our time for something that already happened, we still have to find a place to stay."

Kid wants to retaliate but he realized that Lealyn might just need space.

"I know a place nearby." He opened a passage that leads to an abandoned building. "We can stay here."

They entered there and found a clean room where they can sleep on. Guardian of Dreams immediately fell asleep. Lealyn finds it hard to sleep but she accidentally bumps her elbow to the back of the guardian beside her. Due to Guardian of Dreams powers, her troubling thoughts were replaced by drowsiness.

Kid was next to Lealyn and at his side was Jayson.

"Can't sleep?" Kid asked.

"I should be the one asking you that," answered Jayson.

Kid decided to rise and sat down in the corner of a room so he will not disturb those who are already sleeping. Jayson did the same so he can have someone to talk to.

"What happened?"

"Lealyn killed me and Ms. Soul. But we are immortal so I'm not mad at her."

"But it is still painful." 

"Yes. If Ms. Soul was here, she would agree."

"I thought Lealyn was aiming for the guardian of souls. She disappeared when Lealyn started."

"She did not expect that Lealyn knows how to curse her with the help of mythical creatures, so she tried to go back to the world where we came from. However, once she turns back to her human form, the curse will take effect on her."

"Why are you affected too?"

"Lealyn said three descriptions: The one who killed her parents, manipulated people and destroyed her life. She unconsciously referred not only to Ms. Soul who manipulated people, but also me who erased her parents, and the man who made a wish to taint her reputation."

"Lealyn seems intended to kill you along with them. You should leave her now and protect yourself."

"I do not want to. I'm responsible for all the trouble she went through. Even though I cannot bring her parents back, I want to give her everything I have. I do not have to protect myself, I only need to protect her because if she died there is no bringing her back."

~~~*List of Chapters*~~~


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