Bottle of Stories (76)

The group went downstairs and they are bombarded by the threads scattered on the main floor. Their enemy is wrapped by the threads and was not able to move.

"See?" Lealyn winked at Jayson and Kid.

"Something is wrong here," said Jayson.

"Kid, transport them to the other side of this world," Lealyn requested.

"Okay." He opened his palm and closed it. At the same time, the four people vanished and one remained.

Jayson touched the shoulder of the woman and it slowly dissipates into thin air. "It's an illusion!"

"Four of them are real so where is the last one?" asked Kid.

They observed every corner of the house.

"Lealyn, above!" Jayson grabbed his knife and jumped toward the woman.

Lealyn ducked to the ground to avoid getting hit but she saw the woman about to throw something at Jayson. "Dodge!"

Jayson was unable to move mid-air so his face collected most of the dust. He fell to the ground, paralyzed.

Kid d did not move and waited for Lealyn's orders because he is worried that he might mess up even though he really wanted to rescue Jayson.

Lealyn stood up, trying to remain calm. "What do you want?"

"Your cooperation. Don't put your friend's life on the line." She stepped on Jayson to show that she has the upper hand. She grabbed the knife and pointed it at Jayson's chest. "Bring all of them back."

"Kid, do as she says," said Lealyn.

Kid showed his fist and opened it. The four people that disappeared have returned and all of them are wet.

The woman removed her feet from Jayson. Kid immediately waved his hand to get Jayson near to him. "Oh no, can you still talk?"

"That boy is also dangerous. He can transport us anywhere he wants to in just the movement of his hand."

"I thought I was going to die from cold."

"Tell him to not do anything like that again."

"Kid, do not kill people," ordered Lealyn.

"I can't," he responded. "What are we going to do with Jayson? We have to help him."

"I will cure him after this. Try putting sugar on his mouth and he will be able to talk."

The group commanded Lealyn, Kid, and Jayson to go outside. They made a circle and instructed Lealyn to stand in the middle. The woman who holds Jayson's knife decided to monitor Kid and Jayson.

"Jayson, how are you feeling?"

"I'm too weak. If this was actually real, I can defeat them all."

"No, it is okay. Sometimes we just have to accept our fate. It is very humbling."

"I wish I was with you when this happened."

Kid chuckled. "You are only saying that because we are friends now." He stood up and stepped forward but he was immediately stopped by the woman. "Thank you, now watch closely and you will get what you came for."

"Are you the real Kid? Or is this all guardian of dreams imitation of reality?"

Kid nodded. "Yes."

A blue light appeared in Lealyn's position. She knows what they are about to do so she kneeled down and tied to reverse their incantation. However, she realized that she cannot talk. When did it happen? Her abilities are useless if she cannot chant.

She moved his knees but it was stuck in the blue light. Then she remembered Kid. 'Save me,' she was sure that he knows what she is thinking. She got teleported near Jayson and Kid hugged her.

"Let's get out of here."

"You are not going anywhere."

Kid transported the woman back to her home. He opened a passage for Lealyn and let her in first. They did not notice that the blue light followed Lealyn but got Kid instead because he was in front of her. He stumbled and was pulled into the middle where Lealyn came from.

Lealyn wanted to go back, but the opening is getting smaller that she can barely fit inside. She will get dismembered if she touches the edge so she has no choice but to trust Kid he will come for her.

Kid planned to teleport himself out from the ground just like what he did to save Lealyn. He needs to move but his hands and feet are stuck. The only thing he can move is his head, which has not big movements to free himself.

From Jayson's perspective, Kid was.surrounded by an inverted whirlpool that slowly swallowed him. The people then transferred him to someone's necklace that he assumed to be the bottle where he was trapped.

For how many years?

~~~*List of Chapters*~~~


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