Bottle of Stories (99)

When Rey and Annie woke up, they went to Choe's village with Jayson and Kid.

"It's been so long, I thought we won't be able to come back here," said Rey.

"Shh, they must not know," said Annie while being wary of her surrounding.

"Nah, no one is close anyway."

"I'm just reminding you."

Everyone paused when Jayson, the one who led them stopped.

"Jayson, what happened?" asked Rey.

"Do you have something that can hide my face?" he asked.

"I have one," said Kid who is holding a big piece of cloth.

"Is that a curtain? Where did you get that?" Rey examined the fabric.

"I think I have something." Annie handed a handkerchief from her bag.

Jayson took both and wore them. He tied the handkerchief and wrapped the cloth to his head.

"Why do you have to hide your face?" asked Rey.

"Because the King of Warrior city wants his head." The light blue-haired girl said.

Rey was delighted to see Chloe again. They went to her place and Jayson already explained their intentions along the way. Chloe immediately healed Rey as Jayson wishes.

"Jayson, that is probably the last favor you will get from me. You being here, is a huge threat to our village."

"I'm sorry."

"You and your friends should never come back."

Rey got frustrated at Chloe's attitude especially right now, where he thought that they should be having fun when they get together again. "We did nothing wrong, why is this happening?"

Chloe pointed at him and Annie "You are the reason why Jayson is accused of being a rebel. If you still want to live a normal life without people hunting you, you should go somewhere far away."

Kid opened a hole, inside is the house of Rey where they last left.

"Make sure no one can find you. Promise me, Jayson."

Because of the embarrassment that he put Chloe in trouble, Jayson only nodded.

The group went inside the portal. Rey and Annie exchanged gazes before looking at Jayson again.

Rey put his hand on Jayson's shoulder. "We're sorry that this happened to you."

"You can still live with us! It is not a bother at all," said Annie trying to comfort him.

"And, you can go to school with us," Rey added.

"It is okay. I'm okay. It is not the only world out there. Do not blame yourselves because I chose to be in this situation. I will never regret the days we spent together. However, please remember that this will only be temporary because I still have to go back and fix my problems." He looked at Kid smiling at what he said. "Right now, I want to stay here so I can do the things I never experienced in my world."

"We'll make sure you get the most memorable experience here," said Rey. He approached him and gave him a hug.

Annie did the same and embrace her friends to make sure that they are all in this together.

Kid is a little shy so he stood there and waited for his turn to speak. "I have to say something if it is alright..." They turned their eyes to Kid. "Thank you for saving me. I promise to return all your efforts one day. Just like Jayson, please let me stay so I can fulfill my promise."

"Oh no." Rey realized that the only option is his house and he knew that his father will not let him. "You do not have a house?"

"I want to live with you!"

Rey was terrified at the thought of his father going home and seeing Kid. However, Kid is persistent that he can't deny his request. Number one, he is a guardian and guardian's tend to be scary especially with their powers. Number two, living with a guardian seems lucky because he will have more time to talk about the wonders of parallel worlds. Number three, he is just a Kid how can someone say no to a Kid? He is wishing for a younger brother for a long time and this might be his last chance of having one.

"Okay, I will persuade my father!"

~~~*List of Chapters*~~~


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