Website Changes This August

What a great day to publish this blog! August is almost done and September will say hi to us. We should prepare ourselves for more changes that will come to our lives. Like in Cyanel Concept, many things have changed. I listed them below so you will have a summary of what I have done this month.

1. UST Chest Page

I made it more pleasant to look at by using direct words to state the introduction and rules. USTs are divided into categories: Anime opening/ending songs and Filipino songs. Someday, I will put Japanese songs too.  Mediafire links are replaced by pCloud links due to my login process being blocked every time I go to MediaFire's site. I also put a short thank you message and the last updated date at the bottom of the page.

2. Fanart Gallery Page

There is now a banner-like image on the top of the page like I always do on my posts which gives the summary of what the content is all about. (Temporarily removed)

3. Disabled right click

I disabled right-click to prevent others from reposting my blogs or drawings on other sites. Even if someone finds a way to copy my works or save my images, they should already have an idea that I do not allow that because I took time to disable right-click. If you really want the images for personal use, just screenshot them.

4. Home

If you haven't noticed yet, I replaced the background image on the top. It is a pattern of chibi Rey, Annie, and Jayson together with the Cyanel Concept's logo.

5. Font

I changed the font into "coming soon" because it conveys that this blog is more on personal written works. It also reflects a little bit of my personality when I write because I usually do not write in cursive and there is a little bit of waviness on my letters.

6. Removal of apostrophe "s"

The only reason I remove 's is for searchability. I always search the site but I always forget about the s. The link was confusing too because it looks like "cyanel-s-concept" now it is much easier because it is simple "cyanel-concept."

7. Contacts

It currently looks like a poem with many stanzas because I think they look neater that way unlike back then where they are all on the left side. It is also easier to read because I do not have paragraphs on every social media site I put there.

8. About

I made a new description there so if people like to stroll around this website, they can find there what, when, and how Cyanel Concept was made.

That's all of it! It may not be a lot for others but for me, these accomplishments inspire me to keep writing. This blog just keeps me sane through the hard times and I'm really glad to my younger self for making this site for me.


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